17 June – 1 July
For centuries people have come and sought sanctuary in Brighton & Hove, which has thrived on all forms of diversity.
The rest of the world marks World Refugee Day on June 20th. Here in the UK we have a whole week of events.
During Refugee Week, hundreds of groups and organisations across the country celebrate with the communities who have sought sanctuary here. We will have talks, events for children and art exhibitions, all saying refugees are welcome in our city.
On Saturday 17 June we will commemorate the late Jo Cox, MP, by joining in the Blakers Park Community Picnic and Great Get Together, with a Sanctuary on Sea stall and food and music provided by the Sussex Syrian Community.

Later on Saturday 17 June, join us at CEAS for a refugee art exhibition, poetry and debate, “Does Art Matter”, over some baklava and a cup of tea
Don’t miss the amazing Syrian All Stars, heading a fantastic line up at the Latest Music Bar on Friday 23 June, in aid of the Syrian Community Hardship Fund and Stand Up To Racism.
We will round off the celebrations with our C-O-N-N-E-C-T community get-together on Saturday 1 July, kindly hosted by the Brighton Dome. It’s a bit after Refugee Week proper, as it falls during Ramadan this year and we would like as many people to come as possible.
Download the flyer here
The day will kick off with a Refugees Welcome! parade organised by the Hummingbird group. Join us at 10 am at Pelham Square Gardens, be inspired by The Hummingbird and the Forest Fire and dress in flower crowns, greens, gold and teal.
Here is a full list of Refugee Week events in Brighton & Hove.